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Important Times

The following times are important to your leagues:
  1. As each NFL game begins, all players involved in that particular game are locked. These lock times are the published game start times. It is not when the kick-off actually happens. Players on a bye week are locked at 1:00PM EST each Sunday. Players become unlocked at the start of the following week.

  2. Under normal conditions, official stats are loaded and standings are updated on Tuesday 9am MST. This is when the current week is closed out and the next NFL week starts.

  3. The free-agent draft opens based on the settings your commissioner has chosen. This could be anywhere from Wednesday 12:01 AM MST to Saturday 12:01 AM MST. Check your league rules for more details.

  4. Player health status is updated each week when the official NFL health status report is released. This typically occurs every Wednesday and Friday night.